Local Business serving Fethard
For listings corrections or updates email ; peter@grantvideo.com
Advertising Agency
Primus Advertising & Marketing Ltd
Academy House Fethard
Agricultural Contractors
O'Dea Philip
Mobarnane Fethard
Agricultural Contractors
Ryan Bros
Coolmoyne Fethard
Bed & Breakfast
Gateway B & B.
Rocklow rd Fethard
Bed & Breakfast
An Teach
Killusty Fethard
Beauty Treatments
Mimosa Beauty Salon
Main st Fethard
Builders - Contractors
Micheal Maher
Tinakelly Fethard
Builders - Contractors
Harrington Sean
Castlehiggins Fethard.
Coal Merchants
Daly Liam
Rocklow rd Fethard Tipperary
Chinese Restaurant
Peony House
The Square Fethard
Tel: (052) 6132914
Cleaning & Maintenance
O'Donovan Frank
Top Class Cleaning
The Valley Fethard
Cleaning Services
4 Strylea Fethard
Tirry Community Centre
Barrack st Fethard
Contract Cleaners
Phelan Robert
4 Strylea Fethard
Walsh Owen
Kilnockin Fethard
Carepenter - General Contractors
Healy Edmond
The Green Fethard
Northgate Medical Centre
Deep Tissue Message
Kari T Laaksonen
Burke St. Fethard
Owens Molly
The Square Fethard
Electrical Wholesale
Fethard Electrical Wholesale Ltd
Grove rd Fethard
Hairdressers - Ladies
St John Kay
Main st Fethard
Hairdressers - Unisex
Main st Fethard
Hair M
Main st Fethard
Horse Training
Murphy J G
Crampscastle Fethard.
Michael Sheehan.
Derryluskin Fethard
Concrete Contractors
OB Plant
Coolmoyne Fethard
Horse Training
Croke Michael
Barrettsgrange, Fethard
Tipperary Hunt Kennels
Tullamaine Fethard
Kitchen Units
Gorey Denis
Red City Fethard
Livestock Haulage
Delahunty Edmond
Market Hill Fethard
National School
National School
National School
National School
Killusty National School
Killusty Fethard
Nursing Home
St Lawrences Nursing Home
Mocklers Hill Fethard
Nursing Home
Woodside House
Claremore Killusty Fethard
Plumbing Contractor
Brett Malachy
Tullamaine Fethard
Plumbing Contractor
Warran Beaty
Colman, Fethard
Plumbing Contractor
Prout William G
Killusty Fethard
K Cabs Fethard
St. Johnstown, Fethard
Barrett Kevin
Main st Fethard
Cuddihy Sawmill's
Veterinary Surgeon
Valley Veterinary Clinic Fethard
Gorey David
Main st Fethard.
Veterinary Surgeons
O'Byrne & Halley
The Laboratory Coolmore Stud Fethard
For listings corrections or updates email ; peter@grantvideo.com
Business Support.
Marketing Tips
Google's 8 innovation principles
The following principles are derived from a 2011 article by Google's SVP of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki.
- Focus on the user: Larry Page, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and many other successful entrepreneurs speak about the importance of building customer-centric businesses. Everything you do should solve a problem or fill a need for your "user."
- Open will win: In a hyperconnected world with massive amounts of cognitive surplus, it's critical to be open, allow the crowd to help you innovate, and build on each other's ideas.
- Ideas can come from everywhere: Ideas are everywhere these days, and tapping into the power of the crowd is the best way to succeed fast. This is the basis for XPRIZE itself – when you're looking for a breakthrough, turn to crowdsourcing for incredible ideas, insights, products and services.
- Think big, but start small: You can start a company on Day 1 that affects a small group (with a minimally viable product), but aim to positively impact a billion people within a decade.
- Never fail to fail: The importance of rapid iteration: Fail frequently, fail fast and fail forward.
- Spark with imagination, fuel with data: Agility—nimbleness—is a key discriminator against the large and linear. And agility requires lots of access to new and often wild ideas and lots of good data to separate the worthwhile from the wooly. The most successful startups today are data-driven. They measure everything and use machine learning and algorithms to help them analyze that data to make decisions.
- Be a platform: Look at the most successful companies getting billion-dollar valuations -- AirBnb, Uber, Instagram, Whatsapp -- they are the platform plays. Is yours?
- Have a mission that matters. Does the company you're starting have a massively transformative purpose (MTP)? Passion is fundamental to forward progress, and having an MTP is absolutely necessary to keep you moving during the most difficult times, keep you focused and attract the best talent to your company.
Google's MTP is to "organize the world's information,"
What's yours?
Build Your list of prospects
Anthony Robbins
Where energy flows, whatever you’re focusing on grows.
In other words, your life is controlled by what you focus on. That’s why you need to focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear. When you next find yourself in a state of uncertainty, resist your fear. Shift your focus toward where you want to go and your actions will take you in that direction.

Anthony Robbins has modelied the most successful people in the world.
Through access to their experience, he has discovered the core distinctions and strategies that apply to improve the quality of your life.

1. Certainty: assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure
2. Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli
3. Significance: feeling unique, important, special or needed
4. Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something
5. Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding
6. Contribution: a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others
This drive is encoded in our nervous system.
The means by which people meet these six human needs are unlimited. For example, one of the six human needs is the desire for certainty that we can avoid pain and gain pleasure (i.e. comfort).
Some people pursue this need by striving to control all aspects of their lives, while others obtain certainty by giving up control and adopting a philosophy of faith.
Variety makes us feel alive and engaged.
Then there’s the desire for significance—a belief that one’s life has meaning and importance.
Some individuals will pursue this need by competing with others, or by destroying and tearing down those around them. Others may strive to fulfill this need through connection with other human beings.
The force of life is the drive for fulfillment; we all have a need to experience a life of meaning.
Fulfillment can only be achieved through a pattern of living in which we focus on two spiritual needs:
1) the need to continuously grow;
2) the need to contribute beyond ourselves in a meaningful way.
All dysfunctional behaviors arise from the inability to consistently meet these needs.
When our attempts to reach fulfillment fail, we will settle for comfort—or for meeting our needs on a small scale.
Look to replace any dis-empowering ways of meeting your needs with things that empower and support you and others.