Fethard Organisations and Clubs

Holy Trinity National School Fethard - Tríona Morrison (Principal),Holy Tel: 052 6131493
Historical Society - Mary Hanrahan M. 0876771139
GAA Camogie Club - Mary O'Mahony M. 0876980351
GAA Seniors - Chairperson: PJ Aherne..Secretary: Mary Godfrey Email: secretary.fethard.tipperary@gaa.ie
Treasurer: Stephen Fitzgerald
GAA Juvenile
John Neville T.052 6132150 / Emma Fleming M. 086 89663925 / P.J.Aherne Tullamaine.
GAA Ladies Football - Michael Spillane Tullamaine
GAA Racket Club - Noreen Hackett M. 0868397868
Boy Scouts Mary Healy The Green.
Girl Guides CatherineO'Donnell T. 052 6127732
Community Council Community Office T. 052 6131000 / Peter Grant 087 6180541
Convent Community Youth Hall Pamela Sweeney M.086246167
Country Markets David Curran Moyglass.
ICA AnnGleeson 052 6131455 / MarieCrean 052 6131467
Bridge Club GemmaBurke 052 6131799
Church of Ireland Heather Bailey / Cannon Barbara Fryday fryday@gmail.com
Senior Citizens Agnes Evans 052 6131352
Fethard Tidy Towns Brian Sheehy/ Declan Nevin.
Woodvale Walk Residents James (Brud) Roche 087 7718452
Fethard & District Day Care
Geraldine McCarthy 052 6132917/ FinolaO'Sullivan 6131239 / Liam Hayes 052 6131584
Fethard Athletic Club Michael McCormack 052 6131534
Fethard Rugby Club Kieran Butler 052 6132390
Macra na Feirme Michael Moclair 052 6131210
Fethard Coursing Club PaddyHickey 052 6131575 / David Flanagan 087 6682610
Moyglass Vintage Club SeamusBarry 052 6131630
Community Fas Scheme Joan O'Donohue 052 6131000
Fethard Ballroom Eileen Coady 086 0776420
Patrician Presentation Secondary School Mr. Michael O' Sullivan Principal 052 6131572
Fethard Community Games Peggy Colville 052 6131906
Fethard & Killusty Angling Thomas Fogarty 91 54675
Badgers Soccer Club Colm McGrath 086 3502360
Killusty Soccer Club Kevin Ryan Loughcapple
Killusty Pony Show Lorraine Thompson 087 7783596
Killusty National School Frances Harrington 052 6132314
Fethard Folk Museum Margaret Mullins 052 6131516
Abbey Choir Ann Barry 052 6131630
Group Homes 052 6131141
Tipperary Hunt Paul Ronan Rocklow Fethard.
Fethard Players Austin O'Flynn 052 6131254 / JimmyO'Sullivan 052 6131239
Fethard Horse Country Experience. Bill O'Sullivan 0872522885 / Maurice Moloney 086 2747044
Fethard Accomodation

View from Madams Bridge by Michael Mc Cormack

Contact: Paddy McEvoy,
Gateway B&B, Rocklow Road,
Fethard, Co. Tipperary, Ireland.
Telephone +353 (0)52 6131701
The Cozie B. & B.
in Fethard.
Contact Theresa on:
052 6132276 or 086 8619203
Clonacody House
Contact Helen 087 168 9167
Stay in this beautiful Georgian County House for a romantic break, unique party, scenic wedding receptions and family get togethers... Or why not just come stay with us overnight.
Open all year around
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