Capital Works Program 2014 - Application for Fethard project.
and at the inner face of the wall accessed off the Square.
The aims of the project are to:
1. Undertake emergency repairs at a section of wall where same is in poor sructural condition.
2. Improve the presentation of the historic Town Wall at a key entry point to the town.
3.Undertake stabilization, repairs, repointing and flaunching of the town wall.
4. Build on works undertaken over the past 5no. years on the town wall t promote same as a heritage asset.
East Gate (Fethard Town Wall Conservation and Management Plan, Gazetteer Section 2.27)
The remains of the wall to the north of the site of the east gate is presently hidden from view from Burke Street by a derelict building (belonging to the council). This area of wall requires removal of vegetation, stabilisation, raking out and pointing. In addition the removal of the derelict building would reveal the only major length of the wall that is hidden at present, showing the extent of the walled town when entering from Burke Street.
East Gate, Showing Wall at rear of building facade on Burke Street
Rejection Letter
22nd April 2014
Jonathan Flood
South Tipperary County Council
South Tipperary County Council
Emmet St
Dear Applicant
On behalf of the Heritage Council, I would like to thank you for applying for a grant for your project. We appreciate the effort you put in to developing your project and compiling your application.
We received 14 applications seeking a total of €467,188, however, due to continued cutbacks in Council's budget in 2014, it was only possible to allocate the sum of €168,000 towards capital projects this year ( While most projects met our basic criteria, given are very limited financial resources this year, the process was very competitive and tough decisions had to be taken.
Unfortunately, it is with regret that I must inform you that your application did not prove successful for reasons outlined above and also as follows: Reason as outlined below: The Heritage Council cannot support the removal of historic structures such as the house described as derelict at Burke Street. Unfortunately insufficent level of information provided as to the current condition of the sections of town wall in question.
I appreciate that this negative outcome will be a cause for disappointment after all the efforts invested in the preparation of your application and I hope it will not deter you from making future applications to the Heritage Council.
Any enquiries regarding your application should be put in writing to the Grants Officer, Amanda Ryan
Yours sincerely
Michael Starrett.
Chief Executive.

Fethard Town Wall Capital Works Programme
Application for funding for emergency repair works for 2014
Fethard town in County Tipperary SR is of outstanding significance as a medieval defended town with an almost complete circuit of medieval town walls and other medieval buildings remaining intact.
Fethard’s historic town walls has seen the benefit of funding from the Heritage Council through the Irish Walled Towns Network with a Conservation and Management Plan prepared for the Walls in 2009 and programmes of conservation based repair works undertaken annually on the town walls from 2007-2010. These works have seen physical and visual condition of the wall improve greatly.
Funding is now being sought to undertake a capital works programme centered on 2no. key areas in need of emergency repair.
The areas proposed for funding are set out as follows:
- Works at site of Pierce’s Gate, Burke Street, Fethard.
- Works at site of section of wall off the Square, Fethard.
The works are described as follows: 1. Works at Site of East Gate (Burke Street), Fethard.
The remains of the wall to the north of the site of the East Gate is presently hidden from view from Burke Street by a derelict building (belonging to South Tipperary County Council). This area of wall requires removal of vegetation, stabilisation, raking out and pointing. In addition the partial removal or lowering of the derelict building and replacement with open fencing would reveal the only major length of the wall that is hidden at present, showing the extent of the walled town when entering from Burke Street. The area of wall presently hidden from view underwent a comprehensive repair programme in 2009.


Pic 1: Façade and Town Wall behind at Burke Street. Partial removal or lowering of façade will open town wall to public view and reveal repair works previously undertaken.
2 . Works at site of section of wall off the Square, Fethard.
There is a small section of wall located in the rear of a property located at the Square, Fethard. Residential apartments abut the Town Wall. The Town Wall is densely overgrown with ivy, is in a structurally poor condition and is in need of emergency repair.

Fethard Town Wall Capital Works Programme | 3/25/2014
Fethard Town Wall Capital Works Programme

Pic 2: Showing section of wall.

Pic 3: Showing large crack in section of wall.

Costings and Methodology:
Part of the works programme has been costed by Ivor McElveen Conservation Consultant and a cost breakdown for the work as follows:
- Works at Pierces Gate, Burke St costed at €10,700 Ex VAT
- Works at Anglims property, The Square estimated at €12,000 Ex VAT
Although the costings are provisional same provide an indicative cost breakdown of the proposed work programme.
The Costings and Methodology for part of the proposed works prepared by Ivor McElveen Conservation Consultants is attached separately.
This grant application is made to the Heritage Council for funding for works under the Irish Walled Town Networks Capital Grant Scheme.
It is concluded that the works proposed would enhance the interpretation of the wall by revealing a hidden section at Burke Street, would target areas in need of emergency repair and would build on previous capital works programmes undertaken from 2007 at this location. Significant investment was undertaken on repairing the section of wall at Burke Street that is hidden from public view. This section of wall should be revealed tot he public.
This grant application is being made by South Tipperary County Council in conjunction with the Fethard Town Wall Steering Committee.
Contact Details:
Appendix A- Map of location of proposed works Appendix B – relevant Extracts from the Fethard Town Wall Conservation &
Management Plan 2008.

Fethard Town Wall Capital Works Programme | 3/25/2014
Fethard Town Wall Capital Works Programme
Appendix A- Map of works

Area for Wall repair:
- Pierces Gate, Burke St
- Wall Section off the Square

Appendix B-
Areas relevant to the proposed works highlighted.
Site of East Gate
Site of lost East Gate on the road now known as Gen. Thomas F. Burke Street, formerly Moor Street (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, 2003). The line of the town wall from north and south meets at this street suggesting it as the possible site of the East Gate.
The line of the town wall at the south-east corner of the town leads to the south side of Gen. Thomas F. Burke Street. A further line of the wall runs from the north side of the same street. At this point there is also a change in the line of the street which turns slightly northwards. It was also noted by O’Keeffe that there is a change in ground level at this point which rises towards the town (O’Keeffe 1997, 27). This all suggests that this is the site of the East Gate of the town.
Buried remains in the road. The road is in the ownership of South Tipperary County Council.
2. The road to the east also leads to the Augustinian Friary, its church is known to have been built in the 14th century, suggesting that this town entrance was in existence by then.
• Archaeological excavation of the site would enable the extent of any remains to be discovered and investigated to obtain information about the East Gate. • The site is vulnerable to damage or destruction by services and roadworks and future development. • Once the precise location of the remains is known, action could then be directed towards their preservation. • The site is readily accessible by the public. • The former location of the East Gate could be marked out on the surface of the road. • Information about the East Gate could be incorporated in a Town Guide.

1. The East Gate was one of the entrances into the medieval town and would have been the

access used by pedestrians and traffic from the east.

Fethard Town Wall Capital Works Programme | 3/25/2014
Fethard Town Wall Capital Works Programme